Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unrequited Love is My Main Hobby

It's been a while...
here it is Sunday, and whilst reading The Book of Jokes by Momus I was struck to order the first Momus album I had originally owned on cassette - Tender Pervert. I found a vinyl copy on ebay that will be sent from France, which makes it seem slightly more romantic somehow.

I have been a Momus fan since I was a child. One night my sister and I were listening to Brave New Waves, a late night radio show on CBC radio whilst living in the squalor that was (and is) Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia in the 1980's. We heard a whisper:

And maybe you're listening to my voice now, on your Walkman or your bedsit Dansette, letting my songs slip into you on this quiet night in with your pads of doodles and your fingers full of pencils and low tar cigarettes ..... And the music's light and pleasant so you hardly notice what I'm singing about in 'Paper Wraps Rock' and 'Murderers, the Hope of Women', my voice is just a sound that pleases you, enters you and leaves you just the same, and that's how I want it to stay.....

Years later, since first hearing his perverse lyrics and wispy voice, I am still collecting Momus works. From my recently purchased book (Originally lent to me by my friend, David - an amazing musician himself with impeccable taste, of course.), the many cd's I acquired in 1990's (and the broken hearts that went along with them) and now on to a vinyl collection that I hope will be challenging and incredibly fulfilling.
For you, dear Jackson Triggs Sunday Morning reader, a few downloads from one of the most influential artists in my life, Momus.

A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Parts 17 - 24)

I stumbled across this interview with Momus whilst wasting time on the computer earlier today with a nasty Jackson Triggs haze lingering...... I find Momus most attractive at this particular point in his career.

I had always wanted to see this little documentary as well, and now thanks to the genius that is youtube, I saw it and can share it with all of you Momus lovers.

Until next time,
Miss Margot