Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr Oetker

After hosting Big Primpin' - the hip hop party for homo's and those who love them - on Friday night, I could not recover this weekend. I stayed in bed pretty much for the last 48 hours. The one exception was to do makeup for the talented and beautiful artist Zorica Vasic's installation for Nuit Blanche at the Gladstone Hotel.
Zorica read my tarot cards before I left and according to her cards I have many sexual opportunities, but am prude, so I do not take advantage of the 'touching' and 'creative magic' that I could be. I like this idea. It makes me feel less like a recluse when reading in bed alone for two days.
Today I ate Dr. Oetker pizza, which if you haven't had is amazingly delicious and dangerously addictive, then practiced my grammar for an upcoming test on Tuesday.

My downloads of the week are two classics from the Margot library of introspective music - The Vagabond by AIR featuring Beck and Avril 14th by Aphex Twin. Where will I be by Avril 14th, 2011? It is very much in my nature to move a lot and am trying to stay put in one place for at least year. I am currently at 8 months, which is a bit of record for me in the last 4 years. I do hope I am exactly where I am right now on Avril 14th, but perhaps with some company..... AIR feat. Beck The Vagabond

Until next week,