Sunday, January 2, 2011

Virus Alert!

I just published a post a few hours ago and am looking at it from another computer.
It does appear that my Father's computer has a virus and any words that look like links are not!
Will see if I can rectify it.

Happy New Year From Halifax

Hooray! It's 2011!!!
My last post was pulled due to copyright issues, so we will see if this one will last.
I am in Halifax for three more days and have been away from Toronto for a week. It's so nice to get away. I don't believe in resolutions, but I have already decided a few holidays are in order for my new year.
For those of you in Toronto, I encourage you to get your high heeled snow shoes on and come out this weeked. I will be well rested and ready to party.
On Friday, we have the legendary party Big Primpin' at Wrongbar, with this month's cover girl, Gia Cox.

And for those of you looking for something new, dark, dirty, dazzling - Stephen Schramm, Robert Alfons and I are pleased to present, after years in the discussion process, Goth Drag at the Beaver on Saturday the 8th. It's exactly what it sounds like.

There will be performances by Jenna Syde and myself with Leah Finkel. It's funny how there is really no goth nights in Toronto anymore. Everything is either shitty industrial music or just plain crap. Which brings me to this weeks download.
The Cure - Just Like Heaven

Robert Smith is so cute.My sister used to think it was very charming that he and his wife would be know as Bob and Mary Smith, the most generic names, for a most unusual couple. You can download the track here:

Until next time,
Lady Margot