Thursday, June 17, 2010

All Tomorrow's Parties

I have been djing and hosting a lot of parties recently and am happy to say I have spent the whole day in bed with my kitty, Cablo today.

While feeling spacey and a little sad I thought I would share my favorite Air song - How Does It Make You Feel. It reminds me of my vacation in Italy when I would wander through the woods to the pool with my best friend. We would eat fresh figs and truffles and drink Italian beers. I miss that time....

I have noticed that the links to the downloads don't always work if you click on them, but if you copy and paste them in a new window it will bring you directly to the download, just so you know.
And the song that has been keeping me going strong for all the dance parties is by Fake Blood. It's called Fix Your Accent. It's so good. It will keep you dancing.

For those of you in Toronto, I look forward to seeing you at the Beaver on Friday for Cover Girl with my lovely co-dj's Le Slow and C.C. Babcock. And for the best party in the West we will see you at Miss Black with DJ's Kris Steeves and Rory them Finest at Augusta House.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

See Change.....

This album has such relevance that I fear when I am done blogging every song from this album I will have nothing left to say.....
This is my pre-hanover 4:22 a.m. post with two of my favorite songs from Sea Change by Beck. This album changed my life in ways I can never speak of.
If you're feeling down this Saturday morning, I want you to look out your window, crack a beer and feel introspective with the soundtrack to your hangover.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Paper Tigers

I lounged around the apartment all day and after watching my third movie I thought "I should finally put up some mp3's on J.T. Sunday morning!". What a great thought it was.
Though I have not eaten breakfast or changed out of my pajamas, I have spent a great deal of time on facebook and youtube which makes me feel like more of a tosser than I do normally.
This collection of slightly melancholy tunes features Nick Cave, Beck, Serge Gainsbourg, Magnetic Fields and Belle & Sebastian. It's perfect to listen to in the rain, or in the dark with a bottle of table of wine and your sookie blanket - dreaming of the past and wishing you hadn't failed so many times.....
I will leave you with my favorite quote from the Vanity Fair Tiger Woods article Part 1:
"He said "I'm getting something to eat at Subway" and I said "I'm pretty hungry too. Could you pick me up a chicken wrap?". They ate their subs before making love that night and Tiger washed his down with Bailey's Irish Cream Liquor straight out of the bottle. "Did he ever buy you anything?" I ask. "No," she says "Just the sub.""