Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Difference Does A Wall of Fudge Make?

After not posting for over a month, much to my surprise, I have been asked by a few people this week when I was going to post again. Thanks for asking, otherwise I may have just left it....
I have been ill with the flu for a few days and making everyone around me miserable (Or at least making the people I'm close with want to avoid me at all costs - perhaps I should be sick all the time.).
When feeling self pity who better to come back to, but my dear, darling Morrissey.

He was really the most handsome young man. There are so many reasons I love Morrissey, but I will simply give you my top ten in no particular order.
1.) One of the best lyricists of our time (more so with the Smiths, not as much with the solo)
2.) His voice
3.) He's British
4.) He loves cats
5.) His fashion - that hearing aid, those glasses, the gladioli - November Spawned A Monster is like dream pornography to me.

6.) He's vegetarian, which convinced me to be vegetarian for ten years, but I sadly fell off the wagon.
7.) His dance moves
8.) His distaste for nearly everything
9.) Of course his hair
10.) His wit - I have never read an interview I didn't enjoy.

And so I will leave you three downloads of from one of my favourite bands of all time.
1.) You've Got Everything Now

I wake up singing this song a lot especially the line "And what a terrible mess I've made of my life".

2.)Rusholme Ruffians

Perhaps my favourite Smiths song of all time. I live on a street called Rusholme now and find myself singing "I just might walk home alone, but my faith in love is still devout" wandering home from late night DJ gigs in the rain, alone, crying. (I'm joking?)

3.)What Difference Does It Make?

"It makes none, now that you're gone and you must be looking very old tonight."

It wouldn't be a JT post without some mention of food and so after throwing up many times today I ate Ben and Jerry's ice cream and watched Bridget Jones Diary. Someone kill me.

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