Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Toast For the Douchebags

How could I DJ a night with Kevin Ritchie without some major Kanye appreciation?

Even though Amber Rose and Kanye West are not together anymore, they will always go hand in hand to me. So, it's great to see her in the new Fabolous video 'You Be Killin Em'. She wears a wig like no other.

I love Kanye's 'Runaway' and am very excited to pick up his latest album on vinyl tomorrow (plus a picture disc single of Power). Epic Saturday Night Live performance:

Kanye was definitely channelling some Eddie Murphy 'Delirious' shit on SNL, but perhaps this is the sort of asshole he was singing about in 'Runaway'. There's enough people I want to escape from every moment of everyday, but really, Eddie. You were once cute, and then your homophobic bullshit ruined you.

Enjoy the toast to douchebags, and the toast to the assholes here:

For those of you experiencing major douchebag alienation, you can have a look at one of my favourite shows, Nathan Barley. Sad, depressing, easy to relate to - every reason to spend more time at home alone reading.....or watching British comedies about the sort of angst you feel.....

Monday, December 6, 2010

We Can't Believe What You Say When We Know What You Do

Morrissey wrote an amazing statement addressing British Prime Minister David Cameron's affection for the music of the Smiths, following up Johnny Marr 'forbiding' the PM from liking the Smiths last week.
I, like many other fans, hold Morrissey close to my heart and this statement exemplifies his strong opinions, unique writing style and a vision so true that regardless of whether you agree or disagree, you must be able to admire his conviction. His statement is a decisive and at times hilarious fuck you to David Cameron, the Queen, David Beckham, Bryan Ferry and who could forget, Jamie Oliver!
Morrissey is someone I would be petrified to have a conversation with, but given the opportunity I would love to listen to him speak endlessly. Perhaps it's back to vegetarianism for me.
Enjoy Morrissey's letter as much I do below.

Message from Morrissey

4 December 2010

Message from Morrissey.

I would like to, if I may, offer support to Johnny Marr who has spoken out to the media this week against David Cameron. To those who have expressed concern over Johnny's words in view of the fact that David Cameron has pledged immense allegiance to the music of the Smiths, I would like to try to explain why I think Johnny is right not to be flattered.
It is true that music is a universal language – the ONLY universal language, and belongs to all, one way or another. However, with fitting grimness I must report that David Cameron hunts and shoots and kills stags – apparently for pleasure. It was not for such people that either "Meat is Murder" or "The Queen is Dead" were recorded; in fact, they were made as a reaction against such violence.
I recall some years ago a party political broadcast on behalf of the Conservative Party where David Cameron spoke directly to camera as an LP copy of "The Queen is Dead" proudly displayed itself on the wall behind his right shoulder. It is, of course, a fantastic thrill when the music you make is acknowledged by virtually anyone at all. But David Cameron is not just anyone. Some months ago, as the long-beaked amongst you might recall, I was due to appear on the Andrew Marr Show alongside David Cameron, and however much I worship the words of Andrew Marr, I could not go through with the invitation.
This was because I knew, then, that David wanted to repeal the Hunting Act, which would mean the brutal killing of foxes, hares, deer, badgers, otters – just about anything that moves.
Often the excuse of 'culling' is tagged on to the argument of legalized killing of beings, yet as we all know, motorized vehicles manage the business of 'culling' foxes and badgers quite well without messengers of death on horseback. Wildlife (that is, freelife) has its own methods of balancing nature – foxes and owls and birds of prey tending to help themselves to whatever crosses their path.
The countryside, quite remarkably, does not need the Hunting Act to be repealed. You would need to be mindless to believe that it does. People who hunt are under delusions of possession and property and divine right, and their debasement of human standards is always evident in their outrage at ever being questioned about their activities. Meanwhile, the Hunt Saboteurs (who are always termed 'extremists' by the Daily Bra – as if opposing brutal killing is an extreme emotion) are themselves symbols of freedom. Hunt Saboteurs do not kill. High Court judges on horseback, dressed in blood-red outfits, are the ones who kill.

As we all know, law in England is applied with partiality: the police are quick to nab the hunt saboteurs, but slow to catch up with the very visible Cheltenham Hunt. The hunt saboteurs are jailed for up to 12 years (for what? attempting to prevent mindless violence?), whereas the unmanly reflex of fox hunting receives a rap on the knuckles (Odious Ferry.)
I beg you to notice the unbearable dimension of sorrow that David Cameron is attempting to inflict upon British wildlife/freelife (an animal is not 'wild' simply because it is uncaged.) If you can find the time, would you please write to the MP of your choice - if you can think of one that you half-trust - at The House of Commons, St Margaret's Street, London SW1P, urging them to vote against the repeal. It is not the hunt saboteurs who menace social order, but the Hunters themselves, and the moral climate of 2010 seeping into 2011 surely tells all intelligent people that the key to the extent of any person's humanity is in their relationship to – and protection of – animals. Politicians only care about the public as electorate, and once the victory vote has been seized there is no place for debate between The Prime Minister and the people who elected him. (I cannot use the him/her term in relation to a Prime Minister because, as we all know, Margaret Thatcher has ensured that a female Prime Minister would never again be risked.) However, please do not feel powerless against the views of politicians or, for that matter, so-called royalty, because it is they who are powerless against the collective spirit of the British people. I mention so-called royalty because Prince William – who has never made the faintest imprint on the English soul, is also a hunter of deer, as is his fiasco (fiancĂ©e) Kate Middleton. Although William and Kate are so dull as people that it is actually impossible to discuss them, it is worth recalling Prince Harry's thumbs-up as he sat beside a giant water buffalo, cowardly shot from a safe distance by the ignoble Prince some years back. Intellectually, it is true that the so-called Royal Family are not worth very much when it comes to moral standards. The Queen annually signs-off on the terrorizing slaughter of adult Canadian brown bears in order that her Guards are supplied with fancy hats. The babies of the adult bears who witness their own mothers' slaughter, are left to die slowly, and alone. The sober and bitter truth is that the Queen of England is indifferent to this barbarism, for she has never once expressed concern by it (although, let us speak quite plainly, there is not one person in the whole of England who can remember or repeat a single word ever spoken by the Queen, such is her command of communication.)
I apologize very deeply for my support over the years for the group Roxy Music. I had no idea until very recently that their singer Bryan Ferret is also an avid hunter, and is now managed by his Lord of the Hunt son, Odious Ferry.
Some are brutally indifferent to the feelings of animals. Many are not. Politically, I long for the day when it is finally acknowledged in the House of Lords that the indigestible business of the meat industry corrupts and destroys the planet more than any other profit organization. We continually hear of disappearing rainforests but the cause is never explained, for this would then force concerned world leaders to 'cull' meat production, and rather the world sizzle than it be admitted that the meat industry is the root of climate change. It was Sir Paul McCartney who said: "Save the planet – stop eating animals." It is the genius of Stella McCartney who has produced footwear made entirely of non-animal materials. As a glowing owner of such shoes, I can confirm to anyone interested that they appear - even on detailed examination - to be no different to shoes made from animals.
Refusing to eat animals remains a political gesture. The world apparently loves the simple, whether it be professional killers such as Jamie Horrible, or the dim-witted and good-natured David Peckham, both as certain of knighthoods as their mediocrity is bona-fide. David Peckham is so dull that he is yet to master his first words.
However, people like me exist, also, and by close of this piece I return to the opening issue of David Cameron and I remind him that the world loves a man who loves to listen. But we can't believe what you say when we know what you do.


via http://true-to-you.net

And while we're on the subject of Morrissey again, here is a brilliant and overlooked interview with Russel Brand.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Bolognese

This weekend was wine soaked and cold. It's so nice to be cuddled up on the couch watching shitty W Network movies this grey Sunday.
Friday was the Emancipation of Miss Margot Big Primpin with DJ's Kevin Ritchie, Leila P and Phil Villeneuve. It was truly a grand evening. I wore the outfit I made for the photo shoot, which worked well until I was inebriated enough to be outside in a sheer bodysuit with no coat on a dark December evening in Canada. Bad idea.....achoo....
Saturday was house party madness with a group of dear friends hopping from one West End home to the next. I wore a new hair piece inspired by Monica Bellucci, which was a party hit! (See ridiculous webcam photo below with my sweet darling, Cablo.)
Slightly brain dead from over indulgence I made spaghetti bolognese with a roquette and goat cheese salad to gorge on this afternoon. I learned how to make this classic dish years ago from someone in London who I still think of very fondly, though time and space have created distance between us.
And so, feeling a certain romantic nostalgia here are today's downloads.
All I Want Is You - Miguel Jontel, as sent to me by Kevin Ritchie.

One of my all time favourite songs - What? by Soft Cell. The video is pretty magnificent too.

Now, back to my silly movies and cozy blankets.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Difference Does A Wall of Fudge Make?

After not posting for over a month, much to my surprise, I have been asked by a few people this week when I was going to post again. Thanks for asking, otherwise I may have just left it....
I have been ill with the flu for a few days and making everyone around me miserable (Or at least making the people I'm close with want to avoid me at all costs - perhaps I should be sick all the time.).
When feeling self pity who better to come back to, but my dear, darling Morrissey.

He was really the most handsome young man. There are so many reasons I love Morrissey, but I will simply give you my top ten in no particular order.
1.) One of the best lyricists of our time (more so with the Smiths, not as much with the solo)
2.) His voice
3.) He's British
4.) He loves cats
5.) His fashion - that hearing aid, those glasses, the gladioli - November Spawned A Monster is like dream pornography to me.

6.) He's vegetarian, which convinced me to be vegetarian for ten years, but I sadly fell off the wagon.
7.) His dance moves
8.) His distaste for nearly everything
9.) Of course his hair
10.) His wit - I have never read an interview I didn't enjoy.

And so I will leave you three downloads of from one of my favourite bands of all time.
1.) You've Got Everything Now

I wake up singing this song a lot especially the line "And what a terrible mess I've made of my life".

2.)Rusholme Ruffians

Perhaps my favourite Smiths song of all time. I live on a street called Rusholme now and find myself singing "I just might walk home alone, but my faith in love is still devout" wandering home from late night DJ gigs in the rain, alone, crying. (I'm joking?)

3.)What Difference Does It Make?

"It makes none, now that you're gone and you must be looking very old tonight."

It wouldn't be a JT post without some mention of food and so after throwing up many times today I ate Ben and Jerry's ice cream and watched Bridget Jones Diary. Someone kill me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr Oetker

After hosting Big Primpin' - the hip hop party for homo's and those who love them - on Friday night, I could not recover this weekend. I stayed in bed pretty much for the last 48 hours. The one exception was to do makeup for the talented and beautiful artist Zorica Vasic's installation for Nuit Blanche at the Gladstone Hotel.
Zorica read my tarot cards before I left and according to her cards I have many sexual opportunities, but am prude, so I do not take advantage of the 'touching' and 'creative magic' that I could be. I like this idea. It makes me feel less like a recluse when reading in bed alone for two days.
Today I ate Dr. Oetker pizza, which if you haven't had is amazingly delicious and dangerously addictive, then practiced my grammar for an upcoming test on Tuesday.

My downloads of the week are two classics from the Margot library of introspective music - The Vagabond by AIR featuring Beck and Avril 14th by Aphex Twin. Where will I be by Avril 14th, 2011? It is very much in my nature to move a lot and am trying to stay put in one place for at least year. I am currently at 8 months, which is a bit of record for me in the last 4 years. I do hope I am exactly where I am right now on Avril 14th, but perhaps with some company.....
www.mediafire.com/?ddib83ydmd97sfz AIR feat. Beck The Vagabond

Until next week,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Unrequited Love is My Main Hobby

It's been a while...
here it is Sunday, and whilst reading The Book of Jokes by Momus I was struck to order the first Momus album I had originally owned on cassette - Tender Pervert. I found a vinyl copy on ebay that will be sent from France, which makes it seem slightly more romantic somehow.

I have been a Momus fan since I was a child. One night my sister and I were listening to Brave New Waves, a late night radio show on CBC radio whilst living in the squalor that was (and is) Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia in the 1980's. We heard a whisper:

And maybe you're listening to my voice now, on your Walkman or your bedsit Dansette, letting my songs slip into you on this quiet night in with your pads of doodles and your fingers full of pencils and low tar cigarettes ..... And the music's light and pleasant so you hardly notice what I'm singing about in 'Paper Wraps Rock' and 'Murderers, the Hope of Women', my voice is just a sound that pleases you, enters you and leaves you just the same, and that's how I want it to stay.....

Years later, since first hearing his perverse lyrics and wispy voice, I am still collecting Momus works. From my recently purchased book (Originally lent to me by my friend, David - an amazing musician himself with impeccable taste, of course.), the many cd's I acquired in 1990's (and the broken hearts that went along with them) and now on to a vinyl collection that I hope will be challenging and incredibly fulfilling.
For you, dear Jackson Triggs Sunday Morning reader, a few downloads from one of the most influential artists in my life, Momus.

A Complete History of Sexual Jealousy (Parts 17 - 24)

I stumbled across this interview with Momus whilst wasting time on the computer earlier today with a nasty Jackson Triggs haze lingering...... I find Momus most attractive at this particular point in his career.

I had always wanted to see this little documentary as well, and now thanks to the genius that is youtube, I saw it and can share it with all of you Momus lovers.

Until next time,
Miss Margot

Thursday, June 17, 2010

All Tomorrow's Parties

I have been djing and hosting a lot of parties recently and am happy to say I have spent the whole day in bed with my kitty, Cablo today.

While feeling spacey and a little sad I thought I would share my favorite Air song - How Does It Make You Feel. It reminds me of my vacation in Italy when I would wander through the woods to the pool with my best friend. We would eat fresh figs and truffles and drink Italian beers. I miss that time....


I have noticed that the links to the downloads don't always work if you click on them, but if you copy and paste them in a new window it will bring you directly to the download, just so you know.
And the song that has been keeping me going strong for all the dance parties is by Fake Blood. It's called Fix Your Accent. It's so good. It will keep you dancing.


For those of you in Toronto, I look forward to seeing you at the Beaver on Friday for Cover Girl with my lovely co-dj's Le Slow and C.C. Babcock. And for the best party in the West we will see you at Miss Black with DJ's Kris Steeves and Rory them Finest at Augusta House.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

See Change.....


This album has such relevance that I fear when I am done blogging every song from this album I will have nothing left to say.....
This is my pre-hanover 4:22 a.m. post with two of my favorite songs from Sea Change by Beck. This album changed my life in ways I can never speak of.
If you're feeling down this Saturday morning, I want you to look out your window, crack a beer and feel introspective with the soundtrack to your hangover.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Paper Tigers

I lounged around the apartment all day and after watching my third movie I thought "I should finally put up some mp3's on J.T. Sunday morning!". What a great thought it was.
Though I have not eaten breakfast or changed out of my pajamas, I have spent a great deal of time on facebook and youtube which makes me feel like more of a tosser than I do normally.
This collection of slightly melancholy tunes features Nick Cave, Beck, Serge Gainsbourg, Magnetic Fields and Belle & Sebastian. It's perfect to listen to in the rain, or in the dark with a bottle of table of wine and your sookie blanket - dreaming of the past and wishing you hadn't failed so many times.....
I will leave you with my favorite quote from the Vanity Fair Tiger Woods article Part 1:
"He said "I'm getting something to eat at Subway" and I said "I'm pretty hungry too. Could you pick me up a chicken wrap?". They ate their subs before making love that night and Tiger washed his down with Bailey's Irish Cream Liquor straight out of the bottle. "Did he ever buy you anything?" I ask. "No," she says "Just the sub.""


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We are happy to announce the launch of our blog - Jackson Triggs Sunday Morning - The Soundtrack To Your Hangover.
Mindy Lawton and me, Crissy Lawson are pleased to bring you photos of what soothes that which aches and songs to relieve the Jackson Triggs withdrawl.
Check back for easy listening tracks, recipes which involve eggs and all that is overwhelming pleasant. First mp3 post this week!
Mindy and Crissy